Archive for the Keeping up appearances Category

Keeping up appearances

Posted in Keeping up appearances, Lesson Plan with tags , on July 29, 2009 by todaystrophywife

There is no magic formula for how to look good, but there are some tricks I’ve learned along the way.  If you aren’t wearing sleeves, stand with your arms slightly away from your body to avoid the dreaded ham hock look (a/k/a “Hi Janes”). 1 

When standing in a bathing suit, skinny jeans or short skirt, crossing your legs in front of you will make them look thinner. 2 

If you aren’t 5’9” but you still want to wear skinny jeans, they’ll look best with boots.  Otherwise, pair them with high heels and a baggier shirt that camoflages the widest part of your thighs. 

To have that casual devil may care sunglasses atop the head look, don’t push all your hair back with your sunglasses.  Instead, slide them on top of your head, leaving some hair in front to frame your face. 

Beige or neutral colored shoes make your legs look longer—gladiator sandals and Capri pants make legs look shorter.

Make me proud fellow trophies.

1. Thankfully I learned this before my wedding day, but don’t let 32 years of ham hocks happen to you!
2. Unfortunately, I wrongly assumed a BMI of 19 would allow one to frolic by the pool with impunity. I soon learned otherwise thanks to pictures posted on Facebook by my BMI of 18 BFF.  Note to self: find new BFF with a higher BMI.