Archive for Chloe purse

Pernicious Personal Shoppers and Periods

Posted in My Journey, Pernicious Personal Shoppers and Periods with tags , , on January 12, 2010 by todaystrophywife

So what if I did have to consult a thesaurus to properly insult him, the guy was evil.

The only thing that marred the holidays was a lousy personal shopping experience at Neimans. My mother-in-law sent me there to pick out my Christmas present. When I told the fellow which outfits I wanted her to get, and which I would buy, he called her up (on the sly) and suggested she pay for them all! Of course she’ll offer to pay when pressed. Why would he put her in that awkward position? Especially when I specifically told him what I wanted to purchase myself. When I mentioned it to her she was indifferent, but still I fear I look like a selfish troll. I had planned to hold a grudge against Neimans, but when I went back the next day to return some of the items my hubby didn’t like, I found a Chole bag at half price. So we are back to being BFF.

Now that the holidays are over I’m just looking for reasons to wear my new outfits and waiting for my period. I wasn’t sure how long it’d take until I found this awesome site for all things miscarriage. Check it: