Archive for first miscarriage

So it goes

Posted in My Journey, So it goes with tags on December 7, 2009 by todaystrophywife

This weekend was pretty sucky.  I took the second dose of Misoprostol and this time I think it worked.  I took ibuprofen at the same time, and this time I didn’t have any serious cramping or chills.  It felt like normal period cramps and I slept fine.  Although everything came out dark and clumpy.  I was expecting a torrent of red blood along with a few little blobs.  So now I’m worried my uterus has thrown in the towel and starved the poor thing to death.  God I hope not.  I wonder if I should see a fertility specialist while there is still time for me to bag a babe before the dreaded 35?  When I talked to hubby he suggested I wait and ask the obgyn at my next appointment–when she’ll make sure it all came out.  I guess that’ll have to do for now, but I still need a task to distract me.  Previously I was working toward that trial, but it just settled.  So now I’m trying to focus on shopping for X-mas gifts instead of trolling miscarriage/fertility blogs.  I may have a sluggish uterus but I can still bring back our economy damn it!